The Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation Story

The Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation focuses on furthering the mission of the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham of building by serving children. The Foundation aims to develop and support the civic growth and health of the Birmingham community. A special emphasis is on improving the lives of children and therefore, ensuring the well-being of our community for future generations.

Each year, Kiwanians award college scholarships and small grants to local nonprofits, as well as provide books to Birmingham preschoolers. Thanks to the support of the Foundation, the preschool reading initiative, Kiwanis Reads, was able to expand to more Birmingham City Schools pre-K classrooms to serve 840 students and to establish a new partnership with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office to provide books for its Books Not Bullets Program.

Past projects include the Kiwanis Giraffe Encounter at the Birmingham Zoo, the Kiwanis Learning Center at McWane Science Center, The World Games 2022 sponsorship, Kiwanis Youth of the Year Scholarships, and Kiwanis Reads. The Foundation continues to support Vulcan Park & Museum through its Centennial Campaign at Vulcan Park and Museum  The Centennial project included Kiwanis Centennial Plaza, Kiwanis Vulcan Trail and upgraded LED lighting on Vulcan. Support for Vulcan continues through an annual fountain maintenance grant and the sponsorship of the 2024 Vulcan 120 exhibit.

Vulcan at 120 Exhibit

Kiwanis Reads

Kiwanis Giraffe Encounter

Kiwanis Centennial Plaza

Kiwanis Centennial Plaza

Kiwanis Youth of the Year

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Books Not Bullets

Small Grants

Annually, the Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation Grants Review Team awards grants to Birmingham-based nonprofits serving children. Historically, grants have ranged from $1,000- $5,000.

The grants cycle was paused from 2017-2022 as Kiwanians raised funds for its Centennial project. In April 2023, the grant cycle resumed. The following organizations were awarded grants in 2024:

  • The Bell Center to purchase an external stander, a therapy tool to assist children who cannot stand or are delayed in their ability to stand
  • Better Basics to fund books for 379 Jefferson County children through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library
  • College Choice Foundation to provide staff support for student essay training and individual essay planning
  • Down Syndrome of Alabama to support the pilot of a new tutoring program called EDGE UP
  • Levite Jewish Community Center (LJCC) to provide the opportunity for 10 children with physical and/or developmental disabilities to attend summer camp
  • The Lovelady Center to provide afterschool and enrichment activities for children living at the center
  • Mothers’ Milk Bank of Alabama to support at least 20 medically fragile infants
  • The Morgan Project to allow at least 35 high school students and 15 chaperones to participate in the Conflict and Courage bus tour
  • Oasis Counseling to provide mental health care for 71 adolescent girls
  • Preschool Partners to pay for LAP Birth to Kindergarten curriculum
  • Smile-A-Mile to cover programming for four children diagnosed with cancer this year and their families
  • STAIR (Start the Adventure in Reading) to cover 500 books for second graders participating in the program

The Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation will open 2025 grant applications in late March. The deadline will be late April.

How Your Gift Makes a Difference

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters in 2024. The Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation was able to:

  • Award grants to twelve local nonprofit organizations
  • Provide nine college scholarships to outstanding high school seniors, including a Legacy Award made possible by gifts in honor of late Kiwanian Harry Brock, Jr.
  • Send 850 Birmingham preschoolers home with books to build home reading libraries
  • Donate toys to a local kindergarten
  • Supply more than 300 books to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office to restart its Books Not Bullets Program
  • Support ongoing maintenance at Vulcan Park and Museum and sponsor the Vulcan at 120 gallery exhibit

Imagine how your gift can serve children and change lives in 2025.

“The Kiwanis Club of Birmingham opened doors that were otherwise inaccessible and lowered the threshold for me to attend college through relational and financial support. With your support, I have been able to build a wonderful community, pilot innovative ideas on campus, grow in knowledge, and, in the future, leave Tuscaloosa better than I found it.”

Rylen Dempsey2023 Legacy Scholar

“The boys and girls have been excited to have Kiwanis Reads volunteers read to them. Through reading aloud, vocabulary is introduced, fluency in reading is demonstrated, expressive reading occurs, and most important to me- the demonstration of reading for pleasure occurs.”

Arlene WilliamsDirector of Early Learning, Birmingham City Schools

“The Kiwanis Youth of the Year scholarship allowed me to pay for room and board, as well as books for class. Being able to pay these fees allowed me to be comfortable and care free during my first semester in college. Being care free allows me to focus all of my attention on my school work instead of being tormented by the uncertainty of paying for college.”

Markelle Scott2023 Youth of the Year Scholar

“The Youth of the Year scholarship helped me pursue opportunities in college without worrying as much about costs. I went on a summer study abroad course in Europe that influenced my interest in the energy industry.”

Nathan Ng2017 Youth of the Year Overall Winner

The Kiwanis Youth of the Year Scholarship was a tremendous honor that helped contribute to my earning a degree. It also inspired me to continue pursuing my goals in life. With its help, I felt free from some of the financial burden. Without this scholarship,  I wouldn’t have had the same confidence or validation that I used in my next couple of years to push through the obstacles that I encountered.”

Jhana Mosley2021 Youth of the Year Overall Winner


Gifts to the Birmingham Kiwanis Foundation, a 501C3, are tax deductible. To make a gift, please:

  • Visit this secure link to make an online gift.
  • Mail a check to 2019 4th Avenue N., Birmingham AL 35203
  • Honorariums and memorial gifts are welcome.
  • Contact Executive Director Honora Gathings at [email protected] or (205) 226-8814 for other stock, estate or other donation options.